December 26, 2014Comments are off for this post.



So perhaps I'm a day or so late on this...but merry happy JOYful everything to you!

I may not be religious, but I've always thought Christmastime to be the loveliest time. A time to pause, take a few extra and well-deserved days off work and just be with the ones we love. While I know gratitude should be a daily practice, the holidays serve as an extra reminder to be better about giving thanks for all that I have. Gratitude is the attitude, people.

Hope you're still watching cheesy Christmas movies, eating delicious food + spending time with the best people in your life as I type this. Stretchy pants optional ( but highly encouraged ).

Sending big hugs to all.

December 22, 2014Comments are off for this post.



So this portfolio show thing I've been talking about... it actually happened! On December 3rd to be exact. It was the hard-earned culmination of six semesters of going back to school for my degree in graphic design + illustration. People, I GRADUATED.

In my program, the very last class you take before graduating is called Portfolio Preparation—a semester of refining your portfolio to get hired and planning the final portfolio show, where employers, friends and family are invited to see all of your hard work first hand. They should probably rename the class, "The Semester From Hell," but more on that later.

Anyways, here is the --> website <-- for our show, which was themed En Route. As you can see, our class put a lot of work into making this thing happen.  You can preview my work here, see my full portfolio here and—bonus!—I took all the profile photos of the students, so look at those too. Or just see above. We're a good looking bunch of designers, if I do say so myself.

Plus, I've learned it takes a village to graduate from design school, so I would've never made it had it not been for some of these precious faces.

And now that I'm graduated, I'm reminded of my very first post. Tear. It all happened so fast.

December 3, 2014Comments are off for this post.


I'm back. Again. And I'm going to ask a favor of you. Consider yourself warned.

Yesterday, in the midst of prepping for my portfolio show ( which is today at 4:00PM! ), I found out a design I did last semester for my Electronic Illustration class is a finalist to be chosen for Madison's Winter Festival 2015 Frosty 5K Run + Walk. Even better is the other final design is by my classmate Cydney, who I adore. I'm totally honored, super excited + need your help!

Because the Madison Winter Festival is all cool like that, they're letting the public vote for the winning design on their Facebook page. So, if you can hop over to Facebook, 'like' their page + vote for my design ( or Cydney's! ), I'd be ever so grateful. I think it's rad a local organization is giving student designers this opportunity, and I can't wait to see either logo in action next year.

Thanks again friends. I wouldn't have it made it to this show without you.

Sending big hugs to all.