It's been more jarring than usual arriving home after 2 1/2 weeks away in Tanzania and the island of Zanzibar. I'm not quite sure if it was the longer length of the trip, the nasty jetlag I feel now, the opposing climates ( 95 degrees -> 20 degrees ) or seeing first-hand and processing the stark contrasts between my life and those of another area of the world.
But we're back! And we had—what feels like such an understatement—an amazing trip.
Tanzania and Zanzibar were inspiring, humbling, spirited, hard, easy and provided all the feels. The landscapes are incredibly beautiful and diverse. The people are warm, friendly and funny. Seeing animals in their natural habitat was downright majestic. I have lots more thoughts and photos ( and a packing guide! ) I hope to put together into a few blog posts soon.
Until then, it's back to work and the welcoming normalcy of routine. Here's a few of my favorite links I've enjoyed reading jetlagged at 2:30am the past few days while slogging through my post-trip email inbox. Make it a lovely weekend, my friends.
More peeks of our trip on Instagram: @hollisanne_
The alphabet in space. This makes my typography-loving heart happy.
If you're a design nerd, you'll love this inside peek at the branding process of Eight Hour Day.
There's nothing better than home cooking after being away. I made this yesterday ( spicy + delicious ), and this is on the agenda for dinner with friends tonight.
The cutest bowls. ( via Kate )
This interview with a British woman + the Syrian refugee she's lodging.
In the spirit of the new year ( a month late ), 16 resolutions from humanity's greatest minds.
One of my goals this year is to read more books ( and less internet ). I loved how to read 100 books in a year, and crossed #1 off my list with this book in Africa.
A little anti-goal wisdom from the Barefoot Contessa.
If decluttering is on your 2016 agenda, I thought these rules were so helpful. I swear by #1 and #17, but working hard on #2 through #6.
Speaking of decluttering... 21 statistics about how much shit we own.
For all my fellow procrastinators. ( via Kate )
This is so, so good. ( via Rachel )
Finally, this DIY sounds like the perfect way to spend a Sunday. Embroidery party, anyone?
"Truth has its own definite boundaries, but that which arises from uncertainty is delivered to guesswork under the irresponsible license of a frightened mind." Seneca