
Ever since I took my first letterpress class nearly a year ago, I have wanted to letterpress a wedding invitation suite. Maybe it's the ( small amount of ) girly girl in me, but I'm borderline obsessed with all things wedding design. And I'm even more obsessed with wedding letterpress design. To me, there's nothing more beautiful than the tactile, rich texture of letterpress wedding invites arriving in the mailboxes of loved ones announcing the big day. *le swoon*

So...flash forward to this past February when I convinced my friend Steph to let me letterpress her wedding invites for a school project in my Advanced Letterpress class. Luckily, it only took a bottle of wine or two to get her drunk and agree ( it's why we're friends ).

My design was influenced by Steph's classic, effortless taste + neutral wedding color scheme. The two-color suite encompassed an invitation, postcard RSVP ( saved $$$ on envelopes! ), map of Madison for out-of-town guests + a mini information card of the day's events. I incorporated a vintage-inspired palette of champagne + charcoal as well as hand-lettered a custom script font, seen in the bride + groom's names, their monogram + on the map. For a finishing touch, we edge painted the sides charcoal gray to give an extra touch of sophistication.

The printing process took wayyyy longer than I thought, which can happen when you forget to include a digit in the phone number of the wedding hotel + have to reprint that piece. It also happens when you accidentally get your hair stuck in the printing press.

Needless to say, when I was done printing, I celebrated like this.

Then, I celebrated at Steph + Brian's wedding two weekends ago like this.

It's all for the love of letterpress, my friends.

*The suite was printed with a Vandercook SP15 press on Crane's Lettra, Flourescent White, 110C.