Before I left for Europe, I busted my buns to finish all my freelance projects so I could blissfully enjoy my two-week vacation. While I'd like to give credit to my mad work skillz for accomplishing that, it was actually because I had awesome clients who gave pointed feedback + made designing for them super easy. Case in point : this project.

A popular food blogger came to me looking for a logo for a new venture she is starting. She was extremely focused in her vision—asking that the design be clean, simple and black + white to appeal to a wide audience. When I hear the words clean and simple, I immediately know the typography has to be extra strong in order to create a design that looks thoughtful + complete. To start, I played around with hand-lettering using ink + a brush ( seen in the first and last logos ), then ventured into Illustrator where I headed back to basics and played with shapes, rules and strong sans serif typefaces. The result is this collection of first round logo drafts.

It just so happens she picked TWO of these logos, which we tweaked to make them more cohesive so she can employ either one for her project. Now I am totally into designing simply : black + white, strong typography, minimal decoration. I believe it was Albert Einstein who said, "Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Word up Einstein.