
Fifteen days. Fourteen pizzas. Eleven cones of gelato. Six airplanes. Five extra pounds. Three cities. Three train rides. Two books. Two passports. One ridiculously good tiramisu.*

And we're home sweet home.

The manfriend and I ( obviously ) had a wonderful / amazing / tasty / gluttonous / picturesque European vacation to England and Italy. I think I'm in somewhat of a post-vacation depression today, mostly because I realize I can no longer consume the massive amounts of carbs I ate daily in Italy. It's back to yoga, green smoothies + salads, which boring.

But, before I go tackle the frightening abyss that is my email inbox, I wanted to first say a big thank you to all of you. When I arrived home yesterday, I was both honored + humbled to learn that I placed in the AIGA 2014 Student Excellence Awards. It probably seems like a small thing, but finding out my design portfolio won 3rd place felt really big and validating to me. And this blog, which is filled with such lovely comments and support, has helped keep me going and creating over the freakishly crazy past year.

So thank you, thank you! And in return, I promise to post lots of Europe pictures very soon.

*There's no way I could remember or quantify the large amount of wine + Peroni beer consumed.