May 6, 2016 — Comments are off for this post.

I'm not sure how April arrived then quickly left in the hazy blur it did, but it happened. And now it's the month of May. So let's forego cliche talk about how time is passing too fast, and instead, talk about this flower bouquet*. It's from a wedding of two friends I photographed last weekend, and I cannot stop staring at them. Is it weird I want to blow up someone else's wedding bouquet and get it printed to hang on my wall? Don't answer that...
Life lately has been all about the eternal struggle between enjoying the present and my deep need to have something to look forward to. With the help of a mindfulness meditation class, I'm working on bringing myself into the present moment instead of always focusing on the future. It's HARD. My natural inclination is, "What's next??" as I find it much easier to think about fun future things ( Beyoncé concert! Trip with my mom! Gilmore Girls revival! ) instead of the not-always-fun present. I'm trying not to beat myself up when I fail at this, and instead practice self-kindness. I'm quickly learning it's an necessary skill to cultivate. No one is going to do it for us.
With that mini ramble, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I'll be selling some of my letterpress work at Madison's Gallery Night tonight, then heading north to my parents' house to celebrate my mama appropriately on Sunday.
Enjoy the spring blooms along with a few of my latest favorite links + reads.
Bill Murray is the best.
Attn: DIY-ers! Purl Bee has such a lovely collection of projects.
Pretty shower curtains.
@_chicadeoro is my new Instagram crush. She describes her style as, "French tomboy with a hint of minimalist Japanese grandma."
The Girls season 5 finale was a few weeks ago, and WHOA! So good. If you haven't watched this season, catch up now. Our four friends are ( finally? ) maturing.
Happiness inequality vs. income inequality.
Emotional labor: what it is and how to do it. I cannot stop thinking about this article. ( via Rachel )
How walking fosters creativity.
How to travel the Earth, and protect it too. Heads up travelers!
The truth about your clothing donations. A short, necessary read.
I need to remind myself of THIS daily. ( via Kate )
Annndddd Minimalist Baker's Everyday Cooking is finally here! Did you order your copy yet?!?!
“To me it is really important to live in what I call the spaces in-between. Bus stations, trains, taxis or waiting rooms in airports are the best places because you are open to destiny, you are open to everything and anything can happen.” Marina Abramović
*Wedding bouquet crafted by the lovely team at Daffodil Parker.