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When you're best friends start having kids, it's the weirdest and best thing ever.

The weirdest because your best friend is a MOM. A mom who you've known since 4th grade ( not to age us, but that's 20 years ), seen through many awkward hair stages, stood next to in sparkly Jessica McClintock dresses at prom and have slammed down Burger King Rodeo Burgers with drunk at 2am during college. That's friendship, my friends.

And the best because I mean...look at this face! And that baby chambray shirt! Wes is one of the funniest + laid-back kiddos I know, and I completely attribute that to his super cool mom ( and dad, of course ). They are the best parents, and I had so much fun / was so honored they asked me to take shots of the lil' punkin to celebrate his first birthday.

Let me tell you, that kid's a lucky one...not to mention a super cute one too.