Because being late to the party is apparently my thing, I am finally getting around to posting more of my design work from last semester.  As I mentioned, that semester was crazy tough. I had four classes, which is only one more than the previous semester, but that extra class ( mixed in with a tough work schedule ) drove me to a far-off brink of insanity that I had no idea even existed.

Thank the sweet heavens for beer + coffee, let me tell you.

One of my favorite classes of the semester was Graphic Design. Our first big project involved developing symbols / icons to serve a community need. I immediately knew I wanted to develop a set of icons for voting. Not only is Election Day the worst-organized event in history but having worked in politics for a few years, this particular subject is near to my heart.

In developing these icons, I wanted the overall style to be clean, modern and simple. Since people of all ages, races + genders vote, the icons needed to be easily readable and function to guide voters through the voting process. I am generally happy with the way the icons turned out. If I use them in my portfolio, there will be some major tweaking to refine them to perfection.

Hopefully, these icons will help Election Day run more smoothly and as a result, voters will easily be able to navigate through City Hall and find voting to be a more enjoyable experience.

Vote or die, y'all.