The snow is thawing into dirty puddles of garbage water, and twice now I've left the house ankles exposed without suffering immediate frostbite.

That can only mean one thing — spring is nearly here!

I do live in the Midwest, so spring can also mean a snowstorm will come barreling across the plains and attack us with a foot of the white stuff at any moment. But my sunshine-yearning heart is ready for sandals, warm breezes, farmer's markets, green grass, leisurely bike rides and all the things that promise summery days ahead.

I've been digging oranges, yellows and dusty pinks lately, and the warm palette seems appropriate for the official start of spring. While I'm currently on a shopping ban (more on that soon), I do see myself digging into a pint of Jeni's with a glass of orange wine while signing up for a CSA share with my local Waxwing Farm very soon.

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orange wine
CSA sign-up
tahini pistachio buns
sour orange candies
ice cream