
Indian food anniversary tradition. That time we made the inside spread of the Door County Visitor Guide. Mornings with Doug. Neutral Milk Hotel ( the best concert I went to this year ). Barely surviving a bone cold, never-ending winter. Homemade nachos on the reg. House of Cards, duh. A trip to Chicago + deep dish. An expensive obsession with lattes.


Gold foil wedding invites. Avocado lime cashew cream ( a recipe, I swear, I will blog about one day ). A tour of Chicago letterpress studios. Bloody Mary Easter tradition. Colorado to see my sister graduate. Family selfie, duh. Eating the famous Pueblo slopper. More letterpress, this time notepads. Twerkin' the letterpress machine. More invites, this time letterpress. A girls' weekend in California. That time I ate a PB+J hamburger and didn't hate it.


West coast love. Boating in northern MN. Family selfie, take two. Beers in London with my fave lady. The biggest + baddest Ben you ever did see. The world's best pizza. Those European sun bathers in Speedos + the Mediterranean Sea. Strawberry + pistachio gelato ( preferably from Vice Gelateria, the best gelato ever ). An Aperol spritz + a view of Positano. Biking the Roman aqueducts with an Italian guido tour leader. Percy, my little niece.

SeeYa2014-4Attempted + half-succeeded in reading books. PHOX. The 'V' sandwich from the bestest bagel shop. A visit to San Diego to see the BFF. More west coast love. Revamped the blog. A quick trip to NYC to see another BFF get married. Procrastination art. The world-famous Christmas parade in Chicago. A mind-blowingly good David Bowie exhibit. My new favorite Minneapolis store. Photo shoot-ing. That time I graduated from design school. That time I turned 30 and accidentally got drunk, forgot everything + was hungover at 7pm. The latest letterpress love.

All that just according to my iPhone.

It was a tough year but looking back... it was a good year. One filled with growth, travel and learning that working hard is cool, but working too hard isn't. There's a balance there.

So whether you're giving 2014 the old eff you ( with double middle fingers blazing ) or remembering it as your best year yet, let's work to make 2015 even better.