Fuck This Shit | www.hollisanne.comOver It | www.hollisanne.comShit Shit Shit | www.hollisanne.com

I can't quite put my finger on it, but today was totally bleurgh. I didn't even know what that word meant until I looked it up on Urban Dictionary, which says kids these days use it to "express total disgust at something," so I am going with it. If I can't be a merry ray of Monday sunshine, I figure I might as well keep tabs on the vernacular of today's youth.

To assuage today's case of the grumps, I decided to quit work a bit early to indulge in some calligraphy practice. If you follow me on the Instagrams, you'll know I am newly obsessed with my Laura Hooper calligraphy starter kit and have been working on my skills. Tonight, I laid on my dirty apartment floor, brought out the pen + nibs and wrote the first things that came to mind : over it and fuck that shit. #NSFW #sorrynotsorry

Let me tell you, calligraphy practice can be very therapeutic. I'm already feeling better, although that may have something to do with the blood orange sorbet I'm currently eating.

Either way, I'll take it.