
From my friend Diana, who said it better than I ever could...

When sending thoughts and prayers isn't enough ( hint: they aren't ), please support, donate or get involved with organizations who advocate for gun safety:

Sign this petition to ban weapons of war on our streets. Sign this petition to demand universal background checks. Call/write/email your senators to urge them to support gun control measures, like instituting universal background checks, ending the CDC ban on gun violence research, and preventing abusers with temporary restraining orders from buying guns.

Know an LGBTQ individual? Tell them you appreciate and support them.

Know a police officer who has dedicated their life to making your community a safe place? Tell them you appreciate and support them.

Know someone struggling with mental illness or social injustice? Tell them you appreciate and support them, and make sure they are receiving the help they need.

We CAN do more—and we need to. Oh, and watch this beautiful sonnet.