
A funny thing happened this Sunday morning. While journaling + sipping my second cup of coffee in my flat, I had the sudden urge to blog. And since I've had a handful of people ask for an update from across the pond, I thought it time to do so.

So, here we go: I'm in London! And it feels exceedingly good to be back.

I've been here more than a week now and finally starting to feel less discombobulated. I'm settling into a new normal, of sorts. Managing design work while enjoying all the lovely bits of London has required readjusting (and more focus), but I'm getting there. In the meantime, I've been spending lots of time with friends, wandering my neighborhood (East Dulwich/Peckham) on foot, commuting via bus and train and tube around the city, enjoying afternoons in museums, and of course, eating a lot of good food. I've also been working on finalizing my brand new website, which will be launching VERY soon, and dedicating some time to myself.

While most people have given up on their new year's resolutions by now, I'm feeling even more dedicated to mine. Which is to take advantage of my current work-from-abroad situation and spend time on myself. It's something that's eluded me the past few years as the demands of running my own studio took over. Lately, I've simply been journaling whatever comes to mind about my priorities, wants, needs, anxieties, goals, future. It's small, but it's a start.

You'll see it has somewhat taken over my brain, however, by the mostly personal growth-related links below. I do hope you find them (or even one of them) elucidating for your own lives.

Hopefully, I'll be back soon with more photos and a brand-spanking-new website. Cheers, friends.

My kind of wall art.

On the hunt for a sweater (I forgot to pack one), I'm thinking this or this?

10 Quick + Easy Ways to Get Your Greens. Gimme those garlic Brussels sprouts.

If you're feeling down about the election (like myself), FRENCH TOAST PIZZA.

A Buddhist monk explains mindfulness for times of conflict.

30 ways to live more simply.

To be happier, do one creative thing every day. <3

How to Prioritize When Everything is Important.

How I Got My Attention Back. If technology has an unwanted hold on you (like it does me).

Let 2017 Be the Year of Working Hard and Resting Hard. As someone who is terrible about resting, I needed this: "We are going to hustle, sure. But we’re also going to rest. In fact, we’re going to be as good at resting as we are at crushing things."

Protest signs from women's marches around the world. <3<3<3

A few London favorites thus far: an afternoon spent at the Tate Modern, breakfast at Blue Brick Cafe, wandering Liberty department store, Ganapati Indian takeaway (ridiculously good onion bhajis), Peter Pan at the National Theatre, and the London Women's March.

More London photos on Instagram @hollisanne_