June Links I Love / Hollis Anne

I know what you're perhaps thinking...another links post?!?

Stay with me here friends, because there's been lots of good reading and internet finds lately. Plus, it's summer ( outside > blogging ), and I'm in the midst of a website redesign, so posting here will likely be sporadic for awhile. All good things, of course! The arrival of June means I'll soon be adventuring here with my mama, and a new site means I'm finally updating my portfolio ( it's been two years...yeesh ). There will be lots of new design projects, hand-lettered goods and updates coming your way in the next few months.

Until then, enjoy a summery edition of my latest favorite links + reads. Some fun stuff mixed some heavy stuff, but all good stuff.

This gorgeous song.

My perfect summer drink.

And the most delicious cake (I made it a few weeks ago to rave reviews).

These lust-worthy sunglasses.

I've been coveting a pair of high-waisted Jesse Kamm pants. They'd be an investment, but I'm trying to buy less but higher-in-quality things. The question: iron oxide or tobacco?

Jimmy Chin's Instagram is mind-blowing ridiculous. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS???

If I ever have a daughter, please let it be this girl.

The Busy Person's Lies. So guilty.

Equality Takes Work.

How to Get Rid of Practically Anything.

This makes me happy.

Required reading. Powerful and so, so important.

"You don’t need to nail the door completely shut, as Facebook quitters do; you just need to stay mindful of who’s trying to get in." This short, to-the-point read.

"We mustn’t abandon him or her, only the founding Romantic idea upon which the Western understanding of marriage has been based the last 250 years: that a perfect being exists who can meet all our needs and satisfy our every yearning." YES YES YES.