Strawberries + Stripes | Hollis Anne

I've been home from the Netherlands for less than two days, but it feels like oh so forever ago that I was traveling through the land of canals, frites, waffles, tulips and all the marijuana you could ever want ( Instagram proof here ). The trip was amazing of course, but like any time spent away from home, there's always an endless list of things to catch up on upon returning.

So, I've been busting a serious move since touching back down in Chicago to attack this booked-up week. But this morning—after getting up wayyyy too early to finish off some logo drafts—I opened up some old scans of doodles and made this pattern. Ya know, for fun.

I'm learning that even in the midst of crazy schedules, taking just 20 minutes of "me" time to do whatever I want can give me a much-needed mini boost. I feel less anxious and much happier. And since I almost always choose me-time hand-lettering ( or some other form of doodling or drawing ), it also gives me time to practice, sketch out ideas and sharpen my skills.

Until I get some time to play with all my Netherlands photos, enjoy the strawberry pattern. It's got me thinking of spring, and all the delicious homemade coconut oil shortcakes in my future.

Happy hump day, my friends.