
On Wednesday nights, my design school friends + I like to go out after class for a round beers + nachos. With our final portfolio show in just a few days, it's been a good release after weeks and weeks ( and weeks ) of hard work. One night, on a recent outing, a hot plate of those damn good 'chos towered high with salsa, sour cream + guac were delivered to our table by an adorably nice waitress and it hit me.

My man crush Michael Pollan got it all wrong!

When he said "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants," I'm almost positive he actually meant "Mostly nachos." Or rather, should I say nachos ordered with extra jalapeños + sour cream. Because come on, I'm an American, and there are few dishes that taste better with beer, surrounded by friends + are socially-acceptable to eat with five sides of sour cream.

So this my friends, is my ode to nachos.