Summer seems to be flying by in a dizzying whirl of weddings, bachelorette parties, baby showers and work. I guess that's what happens when you're 28. But seriously, it's July 9th and the relaxing three days I spent over the 4th of July in St. Louis seem so far away already. Totally not fair.
But it was a good fourth! Filled with kiddos, pool time, cannonball competitions, food hot off the grill, margaritas, bomb pops (!!!), SPF and catching up my belovedly trashy US Weekly magazine. Plus, I devoted myself to carrying around my camera and practicing shooting the holiday, because I'm still working on my photography. The weekend ended with an epic wedding where I got myself entangled in a dance-off and hanging out with one of my best friends in town from California.
You might say the holiday didn't last nearly long enough.